Driving to school earlier this month, my daughter and I noticed workmen clearing trees along the interstate.
As we crept along at 15 mph or less, we speculated what this might mean. “Will they add another lane?” we dreamily thought. Since we inadvertently became part of the mile-long inchworm made up of Hondas, Nissans, dump trucks and American made vehicles, we were curious…
The thoughts of additional lanes whet our appetite for spaciousness and other morsels to chew on. Like getting to work and school on time, efficiency, more time to do (fill in the blank) vs. being in unpredictable traffic.
But within 30 seconds, this blissful daydream came to a screeching halt with the thought of NEVER ENDING road construction?!?
For the interstate to BECOME 3+ lanes – construction must take place, possibly even detours. No! Not the D word!
This would be a time to use one of my 3 wishes – and let the magic wand swoop in and add the 3rd lane effortlessly. However, we all know that kind of change doesn’t’ happen overnight.
To arrive at that long-term destination, we will have to CHOOSE to face discomfort. If not, we’ll sacrifice what might BECOME. All for the comfort of the familiar mile-long inchworm…?
Welcoming change, in and of itself, can be a process. Who chooses a construction process to begin through their daily commute?!?
This real time picture became an illustration for our own journeys to becoming the person God created us to be. To do so we must believe being fully seen, fully known, AND fully accepted is possible.
The neurons in our brain have made an efficient, comfortable path they travel on the daily…much like our daily commute. However, the efficient path tricks us to believe it’s the only path.
The monotonous travel day after day, month after month, year after year(s) has packed the dirt down hard and quite possibly trampled a part of us that wasn’t intended for efficiency. Deep down under the well-traveled path with deep ruts, lies a part of us, perhaps the part that most bears our image of God. The part desiring to be seen, known, and accepted.
If the thought of going deep seems as overwhelming as adding a 3rd lane, you’re in good company!
Can I speak to all your neurons, brick layers and dirt packers who have your pathway down to a science? If you’d let me, here’s what I would like to say to them.
THANK YOU!.............Seriously, thank you! Thank you for keeping me alive, for keeping me functioning and for your AMAZING efficiency and organization. Thanks for helping me be successful in the world’s eyes. You helped me to survive to this point. I am SUPER grateful. Yes indeed….
I heard a little peep from a part of me that somewhere - along the way, fell down, got pushed to the side and went missing. It may have even gotten buried beneath your amazing efficient path.
I think…I want to save her, let her have some air, and get to know her.
I know. I know. You’re worried things might fall apart if she comes into the picture and I want to honor that fear. If you’re not on board then we won’t take action. Maybe we can just stay on the side lines.
But I hear something in the depths of my soul. I don’t even know what “it is” for sure but it’s beckoning me to move towards it.
I promise I won’t make rash, irresponsible decisions, etc.
I just want to make a little room for what’s been missing…buried…hidden. Give her a chance to breathe.
I thought I’d let you know about this desire, and I hope you’ll compassionately consider this idea with curiosity in the days and weeks to come.
Again, I thank you!
The part that’s been hiding
If you’re here, something intrigued you about this Summer Camp for your Soul idea. And I also realize this blog space isn’t for everyone. Some people never had to hide a part of themselves. They’ve been blessed getting their JAM on since they can remember. If I’m honest, I’ve been jealous of them in the past.
God is chiseling the jealousy away. As I let the comparison and jealousy go, He is showing me a door, a path – an invitation He has for me. It is proving to be, better, than anything or anyone I’ve dared to compare myself to before.
His invitation is to step into a perfectly designed outfit – made just for me. Created by the God of the Universe who knows me better than I know myself.
Here at this Summer Camp, sitting by the fire, the invitation is for you as well…masks melt off and you too have a perfectly designed, beautiful gown suited just for you.
Like the road construction project, this takes time as most good things do.
You’re going to get to the end no matter which way you choose. One way you may have most of your masks still intact. The other way, you’ll be happy in your own skin, and singing the song you were created to sing.
Where is the changing room you ask? How do we get there?
We do it one step at a time and the first step is:
Turning toward God and BECOME willing to fully BECOME the person He created you to be.
I love how Susan Larson describes this in her book “Prevail”
“I am not who I was…I am altogether someone new…And…I am not who I will be”
At this camp, we’ll learn more about our creator and who He is and who we are to Him – we’ll see His goodness and His goodness will continually transform us.
We get to be a work in Process, a construction zone if you will.
Andrew Murray in his book “Abide in Christ A, 31-day devotional” states this:
…we know that all God bestows needs time to become fully our own; it must be held fast, and appropriated, and assimilated into our inmost being;
From dictionary.com
To bestow – to present as a gift
To become – develop or grown into
Hold fast – attach, unite, embrace, cling, accept, pursue, stand firm
Appropriated – suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person. Belonging to or peculiar to a person.
Assimilated – to take in and incorporate as one’s own; absorb. To learn and understand it thoroughly.
God has made us as he’s made us – it’s a gift that we grow into as we accept it fully as our own. In order for it to grow, we must cling to and abide in Christ and His goodness. And trust that He has created us in our inner most being and that part of us takes time to grow into.
Our next step is to say, “Yes Lord” with a mustard seed of willingness.
God, what a privilege to be in partnership with you and my friend on the other side of the screen. You know us better than we know ourselves.
Give us a glimmer of hope to whet our appetites. Your word tells us that “He who began a good work in us, will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”1.
My friend reading this doesn’t have to do it alone or have it ALL figured out, you are right there beside them as you are here with me as I write. Your yoke is easy, and your burden is light2.
God, would you show us our next step and help us to become willing to let you do your work.
Thank you for reading my words.
I delight in connecting dots for others. I also believe in you! Especially when you can’t yet.
I am a firm believer that God leads us to pieces of our story and will give us breadcrumbs to follow.
I am learning to appreciate the breadcrumbs vs. the big picture, it keeps me closer to Him.
It’s like we’re putting a puzzle together without me getting to see the finished picture in view but delighting in doing it together.
Till next time…
1 Philippians 1:6 NIV
2 Matthew 11:30 NIV
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The Beauty of the Almighty , All--Loving God's progressive sanctification in our lives. Written in a way I believe every woman can identify with.
Lovely! Thank you Lisa