What’s happening outside your window? As you drive? And as you open your curtains for the day? All around us, Spring is becoming once again. Each day with details sharper than the day before.
I’ve quoted Rainer Maria Rilke¹ before…but it’s as if nature is EFFORTLESSLY living into the answer.
February and early March days can feel like the recurring loop from Groundhog Day. Yet, we steadfastly show up and put one foot in front of the other, all the while the days are extending without our noticing. Until all at once, we’re pleasantly surprised that the longer bouts of sunshine have returned.
Did you know that daylight increases at a gradual pace of mere seconds to 3 minutes daily from the first day of Winter until the arrival of Summer. It’s easy to overlook these incremental changes until they accumulate. In Western North Carolina the amount of daylight ranges as follows:
Dec 20th - 9.44 hours, Jan 15th - 9.59 hours, Feb 15th - 10.53 hours, Mar 15th - 11.57 hours, April 15th - 13.6 hours.
Like nature, we may feel what we’re doing is insignificant, especially on these groundhog monotonous days when no one seems to notice OR when stormy weather is happening under the surface and growth seems directionless, chaotic, or obscured. Nevertheless, remember…
Continuing to show up faithfully matters!
Committing to persevere matters!
Small steps matter!
The cadence of growth and cycles of life continue without our awareness. And the never-ending flow continues steadfastly; the current of life is God’s faithfulness. As the current flows by, we simply follow it.
You can trust these words: If we were joined with him in his death, then we are joined with him in his life! If we are joined with him in his sufferings, then we will reign together with him in his triumph. But if we disregard him, then he will also disregard us. But even if we are faithless, he will still be full of faith, for he never wavers in his faithfulness to us! (CEB…because he can’t be anything else than what he is.) 2 Timothy 2:11-13 TPT
He is the vine, we are the branches, we abide. Within the current and within the vine, lies the abundance of life. As we remain and follow, in due time, our fruit will also burst forth effortlessly.
No matter the season you find yourself in – be it a prolonged period of dormancy, the sprouting of fresh buds of hope, the need for pruning of excessive growth, or the time for harvesting parts because maturation is complete - continue clinging to the vine.
Don’t let hopelessness or despair tempt you into severing ties. Remain. You too are becoming – being restored.
Jesus has been committed to your restoration since creation in the garden. His ultimate desire was and is intimate fellowship with you. To do life WITH you. That was his mission.
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance (to the full, til it overflows). John 10:10 AMP
He desired genuine connection which depended on the freedom to choose, without that condition, any relationship would have felt forced and unsatisfying.
Yet it was exactly that freedom to choose, where we turned away opting for our own path rather than placing our trust in God’s goodness and abundant provision.
We continue to face this decision daily.
It may be as simple as a slight mindset shift where we strive and grasp for our desires rather than receiving them as gifts.

The cumulative impact of our ancestor’s similar mindsets along with our own have led the way to many of the broken situations we now find ourselves.
But that is not the end of the story.
God’s undercurrent of faithfulness remains steadfast. For many of us, we just celebrated Easter or Resurrection Sunday where we held space to reflect on his relentless love and desire for relationship both corporately and individually.
Matt Heard from THRIVE, described “Part B of Jesus’ mission – To get back our access to the Tree of Life”. Symbolizing the ultimate intimacy with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The adversary sought to eradicate our access to that Tree, but Jesus came to give life – life in all its fullness. To restore us back to life as it was in the garden.
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance (to the full, til it overflows). John 10:10 AMP
Jesus uses a two-word phrase to invite us to join Him into this restored life, “FOLLOW ME.” Jesus says it repeatedly.
Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 ESV
“FOLLOW ME.” Not a grand 10-year strategy of our own making…but a series of small, manageable steps focused on seeking Him and His presence.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 ESV
As we pursue Him…we will gradually and seemingly effortlessly grow into the beauty of Life as it was originally intended, much like the unfolding of Spring.
Reflection Questions & Journal Prompts:
In what ways do you see God’s faithfulness in your current situation?
Are you aware of any places where you’re inclined to keep God at a distance?
How might the situation change if you redirect your focus to where Jesus is and choose to follow His lead?
What step could you take today?
Name your season and what it would mean for you to remain connected to the vine.
Decide to regularly recognize the goodness of God. Tie it to something you already do (i.e. stop at red lights).
Instead of reaching and striving how can you shift your mindset to allow for receiving and accepting graciously?
Could following Him involve seeking support from a coach to bear witness and help you navigate this season? If this resonates with you, please email me lisa@lisacrowdercoaching.com to explore if we’re a good match.
¹ “Be patient towards all that is unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms, like books written in a foreign tongue. Do not now strive to uncover answers: they cannot be given you because you have not been able to live them. And what matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now. Perhaps then you will gradually, without noticing it, live your way into the answer, one distant day in the future.” Rainer Maria Rilke.
Til next time…
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If you have a friend that you think would appreciate these words, perhaps you could bless them by sharing.
'“FOLLOW ME.” Not a grand 10-year strategy of our own making…but a series of small, manageable steps focused on seeking Him and His presence.'
I love this part! so much freedom here!
Such a beautiful selection of thoughts for reflection, Lisa. Happy Monday to you ...