August…is behind us, and September is ahead of us… Anyone else feeling a bit disoriented? I feel like I’m trying to contain all that was and all that is to come into three dots, like wrangling a large bouquet of helium balloons into the backseat.

August was full of abundance. We spent 11 days in Iceland, exploring breathtaking landscapes! We absorbed so much that I’m still unraveling it all…

Then August came to an abrupt halt when a virus seemed to follow us off the plane, leaving us lethargic and foggy for a solid week. All while, needing to shift gears as my daughter began high school - a mixed bag of emotions and energy!
Some of you may already be familiar with the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), coined by Elaine Aron. Essentially, it refers to those who perceive and process sensory information more intensely. I personally relate to this, as I am particularly sensitive to my surroundings. If you’re curious to learn more, you might want to check out Elaine Aron’s book “The Highly Sensitive Person”.
As an HSP, navigating what has been and what’s to come can feel like being a kid spinning in circles until suddenly stopping - only to find the world continues spinning at a different pace. Do you remember that sensation?
As a kid, there was such joy in being completely absorbed in the moment, without a thought for what came next.
Now that I’m older, finding my balance again isn’t as easy. I find myself sitting on the floor, waiting for the dizziness to pass, all while feeling the pressure to get up, move, and do something productive.
“Stay” and “Move” seem to be the invitations beckoning me. Who knew you could do both at the same time?
I am learning that in times of disorientation, these two words (Stay and Move) bring comfort. They provide a way forward without rocking the boat - kind, thoughtful and tender.
You might be in a similar place…
- Watching your kids move from Kindergarten to Middle School to College in what feels like a blink of an eye.
- Or maybe you’re noticing wrinkles appear in fast motion even though you feel like you’re still thirty-something.
- You might be yearning for a fast-forward button to skip through painful moments that seem to drag on or that you simply don’t want to feel.
- I know some of my readers are in a grieving phase which is definitely a time of disorientation.
Whatever the circumstances, there are times in our life that are disorienting. It just so happens to be between August and September as I’m writing this.
Here are some things I’m learning during times of disorientation:
Insecurities seem to flare up. (i.e. “Why can’t I be smarter?”)
Our inner critic loves the word “should”. (“You ‘should’ have this figured out by now.”)
We’re tempted to hide and play small. (“My voice doesn’t matter anyway.”)
Old lies we’ve believed may try to worm their way back in. (“I’m not good enough.”)
Now is not the best time to make major decisions - especially when giving up feels like the easiest option.
How can you find steady ground in the midst of disorientation?
Realize that losing your perspective during times of disorientation is normal.
Give yourself permission to regain your footing without panic.
Remember, you can postpone decisions - sometimes waiting a day or even a week is the best choice.
It may feel like you’re stuck forever, but that’s not the case - you are not trapped.
Keep in mind that Faith and Fear cannot coexist at the same time.
“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)
Remember, there is a part of you that isn’t afraid and knows God is faithful. Imagine a radio dial - turn up the volume on that part, while kindly dialing down the others. Let the part that’s not afraid, take the lead.
Assume God is at work. Take a step forward as if God is moving in your life.
Reflect on where God has been faithful in your life.
Remind yourself that it’s ok to live in the questions today without having to know all the answers.
Say out loud, “God is good, ALL the time.”
Permission, choice, faith, questions - these words embody how you can “Stay” and “Move” at the same time.
Permission, choice, faith, questions - these words embody how you can “Stay” and “Move” at the same time. They offer a way to honor where you are without belittling yourself or falling into self-disdain. The process of staying and moving is like witnessing the truth move from your head to your heart.
It’s one thing to intellectually know something; it’s another thing to experience it in your heart. When we fail to recognize the difference between these types of learning, it gives the enemy an opportunity to whisper “You shouldn’t feel that way - you know God is faithful. What kind of Christian are you?”
Does any of this connect with you?
Today, I invite you to take a step closer to God and who he created you to be. Notice when you feel the urge to stay small or hide behind fear and insecurity. Be tender with that part of yourself. Visualize that part standing behind a loving parent, peeking out to see what’s possible. Picture Jesus standing nearby, making eye contact with you behind your hiding place and giving you a wink. Remember that even the hidden parts - especially the hidden parts - are seen and cherished by Him.
Til Next Time…You are Loved, known and seen!
Ever felt like your thoughts or feelings take over like a lion cub asserting its “power”?
Or, have your thoughts and feelings ever felt like a group of hyper puppies all vying for attention?
If you can relate and want to learn how to navigate them more effectively, consider joining a 6-week book study I’m hosting on Zoom. We’ll be reading the book, “Boundaries For Your Soul” by Alison Cook and Kimberly Miller starting Tuesday, September 17, 11:00-12:15 EST.
I’m keeping the group small - just 7 participants – so we can have an intimate space for meaningful discussion.
And I have a couple spots left -
I have a couple spots left - so if you are interested or have questions, email me at
To keep my work going, consider a small gesture of support by “Buying Me a Coffee.”
If you haven’t already, click the Subscribe button to be notified when the next S’MORE is served at the Summer Camp for your Soul!
If you have a friend that you think would appreciate these words, please consider sharing.
Here are a few other Hope*Writer friends’ ideas inspired by the word “Three”
Three Simple Ways to Connect with God Daily by Dianne Vielhuber
Three Steps to Your Goal by Ashley Olivine
Three Ways We Can Partner With God by Sharla Hallett
Your pictures of Iceland are gorgeous! What beauty!
We are once again thinking along the same themes! My Substack scheduled to come out this afternoon is all about transitions also. It is good to know we are in this together ❤️